Avoiding Penalty Flags on Your Writing
     This interactive workshop assists writers in understanding the unique challenges of various types of business writing and the unique styles required for print media, company newsletters, and various forms of social media.  The session provides information and guided practice on developing a clean, crisp and successful piece for all your communications needs.

Making Your Life a Handful of ACES
     This motivational and inspirational presentation has been used as a conference opening or closing message. It has also been featured as part of a recognition or awards banquet. Action, commitment, education and service are the cards we need for a successful life. Create a powerful experience for your audience with this excellent speech.

Making "Robert's Rules" Your Own

​     Every organization can benefit from this presentation. Find out how to make your meetings more efficient, open and valuable to the constituents you serve and the board members themselves. Workshops offered include a 90-minute introduction as well as half-day and full-day seminars.


Bringing the Media to Your Team
     This educational session will teach employees and organizations how to develop and maintain relationships with local and regional media that will enhance your work with them. The information provided is valuable not only for crisis communication efforts but also in everyday efforts to partner with media to inform and educate your audiences.

Other topics include: Finding Your Corporate Voice, Establishing and Managing a Capital Credit Program, Renewable Energy, Strategic Planning and Making the Financial Report Understandable